February 23, 2024
At Le Village Pop, we're always instinctively wary of projects that carry the 'arty' label... But as our defences are always down at the first note, we gave an opening listen to the debut album from London's Tapir!, 'The Pilgrim, Their God and The King Of My Decrepit Mountain' (Heavenly Recordings, P.I.A.S).
And we came away completely won over... Although these 6 musicians also like to highlight other aspects of their talent and their practice, here we are faced with a musical object, as distended as it is profoundly coherent ... The shortest route here is not a straight line, but that doesn't mean we're sailing without a compass... Beneath this erratic, flamboyant folk music lies a songwriting as tight as it is resonant, and emotion is a warmly welcomed vector ... We're also talking about vocals that are as fragile as they are sovereign, the royal raw material for the backbone of this music ... With some of its anchors in place, it can now enter the field of possibilities without ostentation, and the adventure is undoubtedly only just beginning... A very fine gesture ... Enjoy !
(Automatic translation from a text written in french)
Au Village Pop, on a toujours une méfiance instinctive devant les projets à qui l'étiquette "arty" est accolée ... Mais comme nos défenses s'évanouissent toujours dès la première note jouée, on a ainsi écouté en toute ouverture le premier album des londoniens de Tapir!, "The Pilgrim, Their God and The King Of My Decrepit Mountain" (Heavenly recordings, P.I.A.S).
Et on en est ressorti pleinement conquis ... Si ces 6 musiciens aiment également mettre en avant d'autres aspects de leur talent et de leur pratique, nous sommes bien ici devant un objet musical, aussi distendu que profondément cohérent ... Ici, le plus court chemin n'est pas la ligne droite, mais il n'est pas pour autant question de naviguer sans boussole ... Sous cette folk music erratique et flamboyante, se dresse un songwriting aussi serré que propice aux résonnances et l'émotion est un vecteur chaudement accueilli ... On parlera également de ce chant aussi fragile que souverain, matière première royale pour la colonne vertébrale de cette musique ... Certaine de ses ancrages, celle-ci peut alors investir sans ostentation le champs des possibles, et l'aventure ne fait sans doute que commencer ... Très beau geste ... Enjoy !